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Improving Water Management for Increasing Production and Conserving Peat Land AreasCase Study Muaro Jambi, Indonesia

By Evi Damayanti – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2013). Supervised by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture, Ph.D, M.Sc (UNESCO-IHE), Prof. Robiyanto H. Susanto, Ph.D, M.Agr.Sc (Sriwijaya University), F.X. Suryadi, Ph.D, M.Sc (UNESCO-IHE). To ensure the raw material for pulp and paper industries, Indonesia has developed plantation forest in production forest. However, the concession areas of plantation forests often establish on marginal soils such as peat lands. In peat land areas, water management is needed to create condition for optimum production and to keep the groundwater table at an appropriate depth for sustainability of the organic soil. The research was conducted in [...]

By | 2013-07-29T11:34:56+00:00 July 29th, 2013|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Urban Drainage Evaluation and Flood Mitigation Measures Case Study: Lambidaro River Palembang

By Djoko Purnomo – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2013). Supervised by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture, PhD, M.Sc (UNESCO-IHE), Prof. Dr. Robiyanto H. Susanto, M.Agr.Sc (Sriwijaya University), F.X. Suryadi, PhD, MSc (UNESCO-IHE). Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatra Province. As a big city rapid population growth is inevitable. New areas were reclaimed for urban development and city infrastructure including Lambidaro River Basin. The area of Lambidaro River Basin is about 6,388 ha and most of them are lowland area. The topography is relatively flat and low, especially in the downstream part of the river which its river mouth ends [...]

By | 2013-07-29T11:32:19+00:00 July 29th, 2013|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Evaluating of Forest Coverage Changes on River Discharge, Case Study Upper Cikapundung Sub watershed, West Java

By Dadang Nurdin – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2013). Supervised by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture Ph.D., M.Sc. (UNESCO-IHE), Prof. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D (Sriwijaya University), Laszlo Hyde, PhD, MSc (UNESCO-IHE). Upper Cikapundung Sub watershed is the upstream part of Citarum watershed which is the largest watershed in West Java Province. Citarum river has 237 km length with the area of 181.027 ha. The water availability from the watershed has been continually supplying the water consumption for several sectors such as industries, agriculture or irrigation, household, and drinking water at eight agencies in West Java and Jakarta. The vegetation [...]

By | 2013-07-29T10:10:58+00:00 July 29th, 2013|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

GIS-Based Modelling for Soil Erosion in Lowland Areas Case Study: Lambidaro Sub-Watershed, South Sumatra

By Aries Purwanto – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2013). Supervised by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture Ph.D., M.Sc. (UNESCO-IHE), Prof. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D (Sriwijaya University), F.X. Suryadi, Ph.D., M.Sc. (UNESCO-IHE). Soil erosion is one of the major environmentally problems in tropical and semi-arid area both in lowland moreover in upland areas. Its long-term effects will cause soil degradation, lowering soil productivity and off course sustainability of the land as a whole. Erosion is a three-step process: detachment followed by transport and deposition. Recently, Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is becoming widely implemented in predicting annual average soil [...]

By | 2013-07-29T10:07:15+00:00 July 29th, 2013|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Optimizing of Timber Plantation Productivity through Improvement of Water Management Practices, Case Study in South Sumatra Province. Master of Science

By Andri Tri Atmojo – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2013). Supervised by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture, PhD, MSc (UNESCO-IHE), Prof. Robiyanto H. Susanto, PhD, MAgrSc (Sriwijaya University), Laszlo Hayde, PhD, MSc (UNESCO-IHE). In the last 10 years, timber plantation in Indonesia develops rapidly parallel with the dramatic growth of pulp industries. Currently timber plantation can be found at 22 provinces and covers total area of about 10 million hectares. In Sumatra, the development of timber plantation mostly took place in lowland peat and can be found broadly in Riau, Jambi, and South Sumatra Provinces. In South Sumatra itself, timber plantation [...]

By | 2013-07-29T10:03:58+00:00 July 29th, 2013|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Water Management Improvement of Pulpwood Plantation Forest in Lowlands, Case Study Sumber Hijau Permai limited company, South Sumatra

By Ahmad Saifullah – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2013). Supervised by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture Ph.D., M.Sc. (UNESCO-IHE), Prof. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, PhD., M.Agr.Sc. (Sriwijaya University), Laszlo Hayde, PhD, MSc (UNESCO-IHE). Lowland in Indonesia is distributed across Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua with the total area is around 20 million hectares. This great amount of lowland is suitable for rice fields, oil palm and acacia plantations. Nowadays, more than 0.8 million hectares of plantation forests are located in lowlands of South Sumatera Province. Developing pulpwood plantation forest in lowland area is facing several problems for example inundation in wet season, [...]

By | 2013-07-29T10:01:47+00:00 July 29th, 2013|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Festival Air 2013

Festival Air merupakan kegiatan perlombaan dalam rangka memperingati Hari Air Sedunia 2013. Festival Air ini juga merupakan media sosialisasi dalam menyerukan Hari Air Sedunia yang dituangkan generasi muda dalam bentuk tulisan, gambar dan film. Adapun rangkaian kegiatan perlombaan yaitu Lomba Cipta Puisi, Poster, Fotografi, Film Dokumenter dan Mewarnai. Lomba Cipta Puisi Tema : NO WATER, NO LIFE Sasaran : Siswa SMP/ SMA-SMK-Madrasah-Sederajat/ Mahasiswa Se-Indonesia Waktu dan Tempat: Hari/ Tanggal : 1 Februari - 9 Maret 2013: Pendaftaran dan Pengiriman Puisi Hari/ Tanggal : 1-10 Maret 2013: Seleksi Finalis Lomba Puisi Hari/ Tanggal : 11-19 Maret 2013: Pengumuman Finalis Hari/ Tanggal [...]

By | 2013-03-02T10:59:42+00:00 January 25th, 2013|Featured|10 Comments

Analisis Nilai Pendaman Karbon dan Manfaat Refoerstasi Ekosistem Rawa Gambut Berbasis Hutan Tanaman Industri dan Satuan Usaha Perhutanan Kerakyatan

Oleh Najib Asmani (Disertasi Doktor Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Sriwijaya, 2012),  dibimbing oleh Fachrurrozie Sjarkowi sebagai Promotor; Robiyanto H. Susanto, Kemas Ali Hanafiah, Soewarso, dan Chairil Anwar Siregar sebagai ko-promotor). Masih dalam perdebatan, apakah pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) pada lahan rawa gambut yang terdegradasi menghasilkan manfaat atau kerugian dari aspek ekologis, ekonomis dan budaya. HTI selain bertujuan menghasilkan kayu bahan baku pulp, juga dapat menyerap dan mencegah emisi karbon. Pendaman atau tambahan karbon (ACS) dapat dipersiapkan untuk mendapatkan sertifikat penurunan ernisi (CERs). Satuan Usaha Perhutanan Kerakyatan (SUPK) adalah suatu konsep untuk memotivasi masyarakat sekitar hutan [...]

By | 2012-06-12T10:23:17+00:00 June 12th, 2012|Penelitian S3|0 Comments

Pola Suksesi Vegetasi pada Lahan Basah Kawasan Pengendapan Tailing PT Freeport Indonesia, di Kabupaten Mimika Papua

Oleh Yuanita Windusari (Disertasi Doktor Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Sriwijaya, 2012), Dibimbing Promotor Robiyanto H. Susanto and Co-Promoter Zulkifli Dahlan, Wisnu Susetyo, dan Indra Yustian. Tailing adalah produk buangan akhir dari proses mineralisasi batuan induk. PT Freeport Indonesia menempatkan dan mengelola tailing pada kawasan dataran rendah Ajkwa dimodifikasi dan disebut Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area (ModADA). Tanggul Ganda merupakan suatu kawasm terpisah di ModADA yang terbentuk setelah dibangunnya tanggul baru di sebelah barat akibat pembentukan aliran sungai Ajkwa baru. Pemisahan menyebabkan areaTanggul Ganda tidak dilalui aliran tailing secara aktif, sehingga kondisinya relatif stabil dan suksesi vegetasi berlangsung [...]

By | 2012-06-12T10:17:36+00:00 June 12th, 2012|Penelitian S3|0 Comments

Valuation of Water Service Fee for Tidal Lowland Agriculture in South Sumatera

By Muhammad Yazid – (Disertasi Doctor of Philosohy, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2010), Chair: Professor Mad Nasir Shamsudin, PhD Water management is a key factor in tidal lowland agriculture with three-fold objectives of improving water allocation, recovering costs, and achieving efficient water distribution. In order to achieve these objectives, water management infrastructures must be properly operated and maintained. Therefore, besides the established guidelines for operation and maintenance (OM), the availability of fund is required to carry out proper OM and ensure the achievement of water management objectives (WMO). OM is financed by both government and water users through water service fee [...]

By | 2012-04-02T13:53:43+00:00 April 2nd, 2012|Penelitian S3|1 Comment

Kajian Penduga Muka Air Tanah untuk Mendukung Pengelolaan Air pada Pertanian Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut: Kasus di Sumatera Selatan

By Ngudiantoro – (Disertasi Doktor Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2009), Dibimbing oleh Hidayat Pawitan, Muhammad Ardiansyah, M. Yanuar J. Purwanto, dan Robiyanto H. Susanto. Lahan rawa pasang surut memiliki potensi yang besar dan prospek pengembangan yang baik, serta merupakan salah satu pilihan strategis sebagai areal produksi pertanian guna mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional. Reklamasi atau pengembangan lahan rawa pasang surut untuk pertanian telah dilakukan pemerintah sejak tahun 1970-an. Pada awal reklamasi, sistem jaringan tata air yang dibangun masih merupakan sistem jaringan terbuka dengan fungsi utama untuk drainase. Pengaturan tata air sepenuhnya masih bergantung pada kondisi alam, sehingga kemampuan pelayanan tata air masih [...]

By | 2012-04-02T13:56:15+00:00 April 2nd, 2012|Penelitian S3|0 Comments

Studi Pemanfaatan Lahan Kota Palembang pada Sub DAS Bendung untuk Penanganan Banjir

Oleh Henny Novianti – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2011), Supervised by Dr. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, PhD, M.Agr.Sc; Ir. Ari Siswanto, MCRP. Sub DAS Bendung merupakan salah satu dari 19 sistem drainase yang ada di Kota Palembang, yang berada pada kawasan I dan dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Saat ini kondisi sistem drainase ini cukup memprihatinkan, karena di setiap musim hujan pada wilayah ini selalu terjadi banjir. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran di lapangan pada 7 lokasi sub DAS Bendung, lebar saluran drainase pada sub DAS Bendung antara 5,8 m - 13,5 m, dengan kedalaman 1 m - 3,35 m. Peningkatan [...]

By | 2013-07-29T09:50:23+00:00 April 2nd, 2012|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Impacts of Future Changes on Flood Protection Systems Case Study of Indonesia anda the Netherlands in Comparative Prespective

By Febri Alia Nasrul – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2011), Supervised by Prof. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, PhD, M.Agr.Sc; F.X. Suryadi, PhD, MSc. The vulnerability of flood management in a changing environment clearly needs a multidisciplinary approach and address the issue of future changes. These changes include changes in land use, climate change considering the increase of extreme rainfall and sea level rise and land subsidence. The combined impacts of future changes will certainly be disastrous consequences to overall development and lead to an autonomous increase of flood risk and pressure on the system of flood defence structures. However, the [...]

By | 2013-07-29T09:51:16+00:00 April 2nd, 2012|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Optimizing Water Management System in Lowland Area to Maximize Agricultural Production Case Study: Telang II Area, South Sumatera

By Fetri Aswanti – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2011), Supervised by Prof. Bart Schultz, PhD, MSc; Prof. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, PhD, M.Agr.Sc; F.X. Suryadi, PhD, MSc. The need of food production is increasing by day along with the population growth. To cope with that the government of Indonesia develops lowland areas to support food production and to anticipate the decreasing of agricultural area in Java. Lowland development for agricultural use can be an alternative to increase food production in Indonesia. Indonesia will face a food crisis in the hture if there is no new solution in developing the agricultural [...]

By | 2012-04-02T13:49:31+00:00 April 2nd, 2012|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Developing Lubuklinggau City Drainage Master Plan

By Eldowan Arief – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2011), Supervised by Prof. Bart Schultz, PhD, MSc; Prof. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, PhD, M.Agr.Sc; L. Hayde, Ph.D., M.Sc. Lubuklinggau City, second largest city of South Sumatra, is experiencing rapid development due to its geographical advantage and strategic role as development centre in the western part of the region. The development not only gives economic growth of the city, but also creates some problems to environment such as conversion of agricultural lands and open space into settlement and public buildings, causing new problems on the drainage system mainly in increasing surface runoff [...]

By | 2012-05-26T11:30:22+00:00 April 2nd, 2012|Penelitian S2|0 Comments

Optimizing Reservoir Operation Water Distribution and Cost-Sharing System of a Multipurpose Reservoir; Case Study of Jatigede Reservoir Scheme, Indonesia

By Titih Fitisari Danielaini – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2011), Supervised by Prof. Bart Schultz, PhD, MSc; Prof. Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto, PhD, M.Agr.Sc; F.X. Suryadi, PhD, MSc. Hydrological analysis from historical discharge and rainfall-runoff analysis with HEC HMS found that the available water inflow to Jatigede Reservoir in the last 20 years shows significant changes, higher runoff in the wet season and lower runoff in the dry season due to the increasing impervious surface area in the catchment of Cimanuk River Basin. Simulation of reservoir operation using HEC ResSim 3.0 found that the elevation of the water level of [...]

By | 2012-04-02T13:48:02+00:00 April 2nd, 2012|Penelitian S2|0 Comments